
The project consists of the following partners:


KideOn is a consolidated research group of the Basque Government (IT1475-22). It was created in 2018 in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with the aim of bringing together and promoting, through research, innovation and transfer, the work carried out by UPV/EHU teaching staff in research into Social and Educational Inclusion. In addition to being made up of teaching staff from different areas of knowledge (Didactics and School Organisation; Sociology and Social Work; Developmental and Educational Psychology; Educational Sciences and Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression), KideOn has the collaboration of different social and research entities, as well as professionals from other foreign universities, with whom we share lines of research related to direct intervention and the training of professionals in social and school education.


InCommOn is a civil society non-profit organization that promotes circular economy through the active interaction and creative collaboration with the local community (citizens, actors, businesses). It supports local communities in accelerating the transition from the existing linear to a more circular model of life. InCommOn's approach of addressing urban environmental and social issues is based on the following three pillars: environmental regeneration, active communities, equality and social inclusion. The organization's multidisciplinary team designs, develops and implements a wide range of projects and activities focusing among others on the school community, including students and teachers.


Innomate is a company which offers professional development seminars to teachers, educators and facilitators who want to become more effective in their respective teaching experiences.Well organized,attainable programs provide participants with theory, ideas, methods and techniques to become more effective in teaching process. Innomate is also fully engaged with the development of innovative learning tools and initiatives including content development for online courses addressed towards different target users in the relevant topics.


Exeo Lab is a young business consulting firm that works in the areas of international collaboration and consulting for SMEs and public bodies. With the help of a highly skilled staff, they assist businesses and entrepreneurs with the creation and execution of change management and company growth processes, assisting them in adopting a fresh viewpoint through innovative thinking. They also employ cutting-edge tools that provide tailored development plans to address market difficulties. Additionally they take part in local, national, and international research initiatives to generate growth prospects for regions, particularly in the areas of sustainable development, social and labor inclusion, and entrepreneurship.


LAG Napoca Porolissum is a public-private partnership financed through the LEADER program of the National Program for Rural Development. The LAG was founded in 2011 and it has 40 partners (14 localities and 26 from the private sector). Our employees are involved in different project and most of them are English and French speakers. In order to develop and implement the two local strategies, LAG Napoca Porolissum underwent a very rigorous analysis of its territory. Thus, the local strategies are highly oriented to local context and its potential. Our LAG uses a” bottom-up” approach in order to contribute to the socio-economic development of its territory. LAG Napoca Porolissum is working to demonstrate that local development is the key to attract projects, skills, opportunities and networks for community growth. The main objectives of the LAG are: facilitating the development of agriculture through promoting and organizing short supply chains; processing and marketing of local products; organizing producer groups; getting a balanced and sustainable local development; creation of jobs through promoting social inclusion and reducing poverty and the development of the economy in poor areas.


Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation. The final goal is to make the difference in local societies and to succeed at the highest level the principles of social innovation concepts.


The International Institute for the Implementation of Sustainable Development (MIITR) is a private NGO established in 2017 in Maribor, Slovenia. Its main activity is research and development in sustainability, comprehending environmental, economic, social, and, lately, smart and digital dimensions, especially when considering innovative forms of learning. MIITR personnel has a high proficiency knowledge, competencies, and expertise in economic, environmental, social, and computer sciences, as well as in project management, promotion and dissemination activities. MIITR is also a part of the Volunteering Network of Slovenia and a municipal youth center. It currently has certified youth workers, employees with extensive teaching and youth work knowledge, and a base of volunteers actively participating in our activities. In 2022/23, we lead a local youth sector program: "Empowering young people for sustainable personal development", financed by the Municipality of Maribor, aiming to offer young people an international experience and sustainable knowledge gain.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000086157

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