Circular Organic Management

Project Description

Organic waste is a significant cause of environmental issues such landfilling, pollution, and climate change.Our motive for undertaking this project is the ongoing production of such a large amount of waste, which contributes to climate change. We believe that this issue may be resolved by citizens changing their behavior at home, at school, and in their daily lives through education. 

The effort is driven not only by the facts but also by the knowledge that the public may help to eliminate this significant area of environmental damage.The project’s goal is to develop and disseminate a tool that will allow teachers to influence the behavior of young children, parents, and the larger community with regard to organic waste. The cooperation of students, parents, and schools will help educators adopt new approaches and attain this initial goal.

Each teacher and student involved in the project will gain the skills necessary to actively spread these outcomes among their peers and in their communities through the project’s activities. Teachers and students will use the resources effectively, and their input will improve everyone else’s understanding and experience with them. All of these affect behavior in ways that go well beyond the initial target audiences and outcomes.


The project’s effects will extend well beyond the primary target groups. The project’s results are aimed at the entire community that surrounds the students, including teachers, school administration staff, canteen or kitchen staff, parents and guardians, neighbors, as well as the municipal authorities of their schools and neighborhoods. 

The beneficiaries are also the collaborating parties through participatory methods that involve the entire school community. These parties will help shape the final report on the problems with organic waste management and the potential solutions put forth by the project.

While the project’s primary target group is the students, who will be given more knowledge and tools to support the reduction of organic waste and the circular transition, the project’s activities also have students as a secondary target group. 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000086157

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